Don Bacon’s Real Record on Healthcare

Here’s my plan:

  • Lower premiums
  • Lower drug costs
  • More competition
  • More choices
  • Keep the world’s best medical research and development intact

I’m a strong supporter of guaranteeing coverage for pre-existing conditions:

  • I co-sponsored a bill to guarantee coverage for pre-existing conditions if the Affordable Care Act ever goes away.
  • The American Health Care Act, which my opponent attacks me for supporting, would have lowered premiums by 20% AND guaranteed coverage for pre-existing conditions THREE DIFFERENT TIMES in the bill.

My opponent attacks me on drug costs, but here’s the truth:

  • I support a plan to lower drug costs while speeding up development of cures and vaccines.
  • My opponent’s plan allows the rest of the world to dictate our drug prices and destroys our research and development, meaning far fewer new cures and treatments.

Kara Eastman’s healthcare plan would be devastating to Nebraska. Here’s why:

  • Her plan would lead to hospitals closing, long waits, rationed care, fewer doctors and nurses, and politicians in Washington controlling your family’s healthcare decisions.
  • Let’s FIX healthcare, NOT destroy it.

Healthcare should be affordable and accessible:

  • We can make healthcare better, but it’s going to take a bipartisan effort – not more hyper-partisan rhetoric and attacks from those on the radical left, like Kara Eastman.